Does your website have a blog?
There are many features you can include on your personal or company website but a blog is definitely one of the best options. Here are some of the benefits it can provide:
Web traffic
Is your website getting enough traffic? If you want to drive more traffic then launching a blog on your website is one of the best options. This can be especially effective when you combine it with search engine optimization (SEO) and social media.
Social Presence
Blogging can help to boost your social presence. When you write a blog post you’re developing content that can be shared on various social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. This can help introduce your company and blog to a new audience that isn’t aware of it yet.
Another plus of a blog related to social media is you don’t have to always create brand new content for social platforms. You can instead use blog posts as a source of content. This helps to boost your social presence and boost your website’s traffic. It benefits everyone involves, which is a plus over other options.
Another benefit is when you write a blog post it’s another page that’s indexed on your website. This makes it more likely your site will show up on results pages of search engines like Google, Bing, etc. It sends the message to search engines that your website exists and people should be visiting your site to get new content.
Did you know there are over 1 billion websites on the Internet? A blog can help to set your company apart as an industry authority. The key is to keep providing your visitors with fresh and interesting content that can improve their day-to-day lives. If you do that then you’re well on your way to becoming an industry leader and authority. That, in turn, can help to boost sales and profits.
It’s not really worth having more web traffic if it’s not converted into leads. One of the benefits of blogs is the traffic you get will generally produce better leads and higher conversion rates. It’s not really worth racking up more leads if they don’t convert. This is one of the top reasons you should definitely consider launching a blog for your website if you haven’t done that already.
In fact, each blog post is a new opportunity for leads. When you make a blog post make sure to add a call to action (CTA), which can help generate leads. The CTAs can result in things like free whitepapers, ebooks, fact sheets, trials, webinars, etc. This is a great way to general leads and sales because who doesn’t like to get freebies?
The goal is to get visitors to click on CTAs and visit your site’s landing page. When visitors complete a digital form, they then get a free offer. This helps to boost visits, leads, and sales.
These are just some of the examples of How blogging helps your website.